Berlin Hack & Tell
on Mon May 06 2019 by Ingo HinterdingLocated at the C-Base, the Berlin Hack 'n' Tell is a fun event that's open to everyone to present their projects and hacks.
From the Meetup event website:
This is the Berlin fork of the original NYC Hack and Tell Meetup Group. If you’ve ever visited Hacker News, you’ve almost certainly seen the “Show HN” or “Ask HN” posts. Well, it’s time to get off the Internet and tell us about it face to face. We’ll provide you with our honest feedback, you provide us with a great hack, or idea.
We’ll give you 5 minutes to show off your tool, hack, library, whatever. We’re language and software/hardware agnostic, so it’s all fair game.
After you present, it’s an open forum. The audience will ask questions and provide feedback. We want to enable as much participation as possible at these meetups, so you’d better be able to take criticism and dish it out (all within reason of course).
I presented Spritemate, my Open Source Online Sprite Editor for the C64 at Hack ‘n’ Tell #70. Apart from being slightly nervous in the beginning, it went quite well and five minutes are over very fast. I had to squeeze in a lot of information, but I think the time limitation is what makes this format so fun to attend.
When I hold a presentation, the slides usually support my speech, not the other way around. I try to have a little text on them as possible. It would be too tempting to just read the slides in front of the audience otherwise. This is in my opinion a common mistake made by inexperienced presenters as it makes them look at the slides instead of the audience.
You can download this little presentation as PDF (stripped from animations and youtube Videos though) here:❮❮ back to overview